Thursday, September 25, 2008


I haven't blogged here in a while so I thought I should give an update. Paul leaves for Guam next week. Tyler and I miss him so much! It's really going to be a long six or seven months without him. But we just have to remember that once he's back, it will be for good, and our family will never have to be apart again! (I love you Doodle)

Last night on the way to class, I got rear-ended on Hillsboro St. by the nicest guy, lol. I felt bad for him because I'm one of those people who believe nice people shouldn't have bad things happen to them, lol. Anyway, it took about an hour for the police to show up and we just sat there talking and by the time the cop got there, I was wishing I'd never called them. We decided to just exchange insurance information and deal with it later. It's not that much damage to my car, but his poor truck, lol. Did I mention he was Australian? Pretty cool.

I'm meeting some other Mommies from at Pullen Park once a week starting next week. I want Tyler to have some friends his age and a couple of the moms have babies his age. Plus we have so much fun at the Park together.

Tyler has learned how to stand up by himself for about 10 seconds at a time. He's so brave. He doesn't like to use his hands anymore. I get the feeling he's going to be a stunt man when he grows up. That little boy is my very best friend. I don't know how I made it 26 years without him.

Well I better get going! It's raining out today but I wanna take Tyler somewhere, even if it's just to the mall.

Have a great day!!

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