Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My "little" boy.

My baby is so smart! He's pretty advanced for his age. It makes me happy but sad at the same time. I can't wait for him to be 2-3 years old, hopefully he'll be my little tag-along, we'll see. He'll probably end up being his daddy's lil tag-along though, lol. That's okay though. I pray he turns into a great man just like his Daddy one day.

I love how he crawls up to me, pulls himself up on my leg and says, "Ma-ma-ma-ma" over and over until I pick him up. He's the most adorable baby I've ever seen, I can't get enough of him!

We're taking a trip to the mall today for some exercise (of the wallet)...no I'm kidding. Maybe. We'll see. Friday is a girl's night out with Laura, Sarah and Melissa! I need a girl's night out bad. Well I better get going. Got lots to do before we leave!

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