Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Busy day...

Tyler and I had a busy day today, but it was good for both of us. We went out to visit Grammy and Aunt Debbie at work, then we stopped at dunkin donuts for a donut and a coffee. When Grammy came home we went to Smithfield's for dinner and we just got back from a walk around the neighborhood. Tyler's rubbing his eyes but it's only 630 so I hope he's not thinking of bed time!

He sure is funny. Today I was doing something with my back turned to Tyler, and I hear him say, "Heeeeeey Da-da" and I turn around to see because he's never said "hey" before, and he was holding a picture of Paul! Then he tried to eat it, but it was still adorable!

I've set a goal, maybe you can help me! I want to come up with a list of TEN FREE THINGS TO DO in my area, something to help keep me and Tyler OUT of WalMart/Target/the mall so we can reach our savings goal. Any ideas? Here's my list so far...Park.

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